Month: April 2017
Memories of STS-51
I recently found some items from the past. I still had the parking pass from my sister and Brother in-law that was working at Patrick Air Force base back then. The day before shuttle launch of STS-51 I had just graduated from my MOS school in Virginia. I drove for 12 hours non stop until I made it to my sisters house at Merit Island to attend the launch.
STS 51 pass Kennedy Space Center Rules
The liftoff was picture perfect and the shuttle really moves fast up to its destination.
GRC 790 Latest Successful launches
The day of launching was really terrific, minus a little rain off and on, all went well. We had two additional families attend and launch rockets. Two of the new members were Ian Trousdell and Scott Trousdell. I provided them with the Jolly Logic Altimeter 3 to add to their rockets so they could see how neat and interesting it is to utilize for rocket data:

Interesting Post by Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science
Man-made objects designed to explore the universe are now challenges for modern spaceflight.
Films and TV shows featuring Hobby Rockets
Real Space Articles from “The Space Review”
I thought I would share this interesting link on real space activities:
Happy Yuris Night
Today on April 12th 1961 Yuri Gagarin made history:
First April Club Launch videos
Today the weather was spotty but we were able to have some great launches: