Day 1 of 4 days of activity in Las Cruces is live:
Author: JET66
A great Podcast on Rocket History
For anyone interested in the history of rocketry, is a good place to start:
October Sky Minute
October Sky minute site had a podcast interview with Mr Stine from Estes Rockets worth listening to:
Too many rockets
I have lots of built and un built kits to offer up to those who want to donate to the club. Let me know from those who are interested. Trying to clear up space for more rocket projects. 🚀 🚀🚀🪂👨🚀

lots of model rockets up for grabs.
I have acquired a lot of kits from a club that closed operations in the Seattle area and they need a new home. Some are finished, or built and not painted and some still sealed in packaging and needs a future engineer to build it and make it flight worthy. If you live in the Columbia Gorge area, and want to find out more, just contact me know and let me know. 👨🚀🚀🪂
launch Schedule
Estes Rocketry Educational videos
Estes Rockets has a good collection of educational videos worth checking out.
New Documentary of Apollo 15
This was just posted today and worth watching:
Stay informed with N2K Space
checkout N2K Space for the latest space related news:
Christmas Rocket stocking stuffers
We have lots of stocking stuffer items available from the club for rocket enthusiasts. We have alot of Semroc kits and extra field box items that may be useful.
Lots to choose from for those last minute stocking stuffers.