The owner of Dynasoar Rocketry came out to our launch field yesterday and launched a few of his R/C Boost Glider kits.
I definitely want to get the SR-71 kit:
Rocketry is a fun and educational hobby!
The owner of Dynasoar Rocketry came out to our launch field yesterday and launched a few of his R/C Boost Glider kits.
I definitely want to get the SR-71 kit:
I was lucky to have has a successful flight with the Rosenfield Aerospace 3 D printed fin can system. It is a 3.0-inch diameter 3D printed fin and tail-cone system. The rocket was launched on a 38mm Aerotech H130W-M reload and it was a picture-perfect flight:
The rocket was light and gained some good altitude.
It is always a good idea to have a checklist. Especially when preparing for a day or a weekend for a rocket launch. Here are a few ideas:
On the following link:
Pages 68-71 has a good chronology about hybrid rocketry and how the hobby of rocketry became involved with this technological capability.
A great resource for rocket contest data:
Here is a link to background information and resources for fellow rocket enthusiasts to learn more about NAR: